This is our team's entry for the GTMK Game Jam 2024. The theme of this year is 'Built to Scale'.

We decided to take a creative interpretation of the theme, so we made our game centered around musical scales.

In 'Scales of Mythology' you play as Orpheus, a character from the Greek mythology, in his tale, we find that he lost his loved one Eurydice, due to a snake bite. He decides to go down to the underworld and negotiates with Hades a way to take her back to the world of the living. Unfortunately, he doesn't meet the terms that he decided with Hades, and loses her forever.

In our story, Orpheus won't negotiate, he will use his magical Lyre to put everyone to sleep, and take her back by force, are you ready to change the story?

The team:
Carolina Panno - Graphic Design
Félix Adrogué - Composer
Inés Adrogué - Graphic Design
Ignacio Randazzo - Programming
Santiago Branda - Audio Production and Sound Design

Source code for the Godot project can be found here under a free BSD License:
The license only applies to code, not assets.

Published 27 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorIgnacio Randazzo
GenreShooter, Adventure, Platformer
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Godot, Indie, Music, rhytm, Short, Singleplayer
Code licenseBSD 2-clause 'Simplified' License
Average sessionA few minutes


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Me parece que el gameplay no tiene mucha forma. Me parece interesante la idea tipo guitar hero de hacer la combinación de notas pero creo que la elección de las teclas/letras no ayuda. Imagino que se eligió usar A D F G porque están cerca y representan notas musicales pero incluso siendo alguien que usa la compu día a día me es complicado gestionarlas solo con una mano. Lo que dificulta esto es el hecho de tener que apretar la combinación indicada en un periodo de tiempo muy reducido y usando solo una mano porque la otra tiene que disparar. En ese caso siento que la mecánica del disparo no estaba sumando y podría ser mas interesante enfocarse solo en las notas.

Otra cosa que no me gusto mucho es como maneja los errores, si apretaba mal una letra, hasta que no vuelva a apretar esa letra el combo no se reiniciaba, lo cual me dificultaba recuperarme de un error.

Me hubiese gustado poder ver un poco mas del juego pero llegue dos veces al "boss" o el primer enemigo distinto y me frustre lo suficiente para no querer seguir.

Espero les sea útil el feedback y les deseo lo mejor! Abz


ChatGPT translation

It seems to me that the gameplay doesn’t have much structure. I find the Guitar Hero-style idea of combining notes interesting, but I think the choice of keys/letters doesn’t help. I assume A, D, F, and G were chosen because they are close together and represent musical notes, but even as someone who uses the computer daily, it’s difficult to manage them with just one hand. What makes this harder is having to press the indicated combination within a very short time frame while using only one hand, as the other hand needs to be used for shooting. In that case, I feel that the shooting mechanic wasn’t adding much and it might be more interesting to focus solely on the notes.

Another thing I didn’t like much was how it handles mistakes. If I pressed the wrong letter, the combo wouldn’t reset until I pressed that letter again, which made it hard to recover from an error.

I would have liked to see a bit more of the game, but I reached the “boss” or the first distinct enemy twice and got frustrated enough not to want to continue.

I hope this feedback is useful, and I wish you the best! Cheers!

Gracias por el feedback!
Ambas son cosas de las cuales estamos al tanto, por cuestiones de tiempo no llegamos a hacer mucho playtesting y balancear bien la dificultad del juego, y con respecto a las teclas, asumimos un layout qwerty y no consideramos otros layouts, o incluso que hay quienes puedan preferir otras teclas incluso en qwerty, como posible mejora pensamos agregar un editor de teclas para que cada jugador elija cuales le resulten mas comodas. Si el juego genera interes, luego de que la jam termine lo actualizaremos para incluir estas mejoras y otras que nos han comentado.
Gracias por probar nuestro juego!